Susan Grace Benny Award - Women in Local Government
The Susan Grace Benny Award is in honour of the first woman elected to any tier of government in Australia. It recognises local governments that have demonstrated a commitment to boost the participation of women in local government and community decision making and management.
Local government has a long history of strong female leadership and advocacy, supporting the development of decision-making processes at the community-level that are more reflective of the whole community a council serves.
This category is focused on local governments that seek to continue to improve representation and promote greater roles for women in leadership roles, both as elected representatives and officers.
Award Category The Susan Grace Benny Award recognises female leaders and initiatives in local government which: •support local women to stand for elected roles to represent their communities; •implement initiatives in the workplace which help to improve the representation of women in leadership positions; and •establish programs to support and recognise women as current and emerging leaders, including mentoring, networking and training opportunities.
Community Outcomes The Government’s commitment to female participation in local government will: •promote greater roles for women in leadership, both as elected representatives and officers; •develop strategies and programs to support women of all ages to become leaders in their workplace and community; and •support advocacy for women’s rights and representation in the workplace.
Sponsored by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development in partnership with LG Professionals Australia.
Brimbank City Council Women's Leadership Programs Contact: Lynley Dumble Phone: 03 9249 4000 Email: [email protected]
The Project Stronger links between communities of women and their local representatives can build better informed and more culturally aware leadership by councils. Recognising that one-size doesn't fit all, Brimbank City Council has tailored two programs to provide women with opportunities to strengthen their community leadership skills. The programs are the Brimbank First Nation Women's Leadership Through Art program and the Brimbank Muslim Women Community Leadership program.
These two programs provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and Muslim women respectively to constructively engage with local government. The women are also encouraged to take on leadership roles within their communities.
Community Outcomes The women participating in these programs are supported in building on their existing leadership capacity, creating new ties within their communities and helping foster better cultural understanding and communication between their communities and Brimbank City Council. In these ways, the programs are helping women to deepen cross-cultural awareness and provide opportunities for Indigenous and Muslim women to advocate for positive changes in support of women in their communities.
Next Steps Using feedback from program participants, Brimbank City Council will continue to develop these programs and improve delivery techniques in order to make future iterations of the programs even more successful.
Over time, these programs will build and strengthen relations across communities, leading to a more informed and collaborative jurisdiction throughout the City of Brimbank.