The Australian Local Government Women's Association South Australian Branch Inc (known as ALGWA SA) advocates for the common interests of women who are engaged in or interested in local government in South Australia. Read here about ourAims.
We are a not-for-profit and non-political voluntary incorporated association formed in 1964 when there were only nine women elected to councils throughout South Australia. Lots more information at History and About Us
We are members of the national association, the Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) that represents, supports and advocates for the interests of, and issues facing women, in local government with a vision of achieving gender equality in Australian local government.
We encourage new people and organisations committed to our aims to become members and strengthen our organisation. Together we can enhance democratic processes in South Australia by increasing the number and diversity of women in local government and engagement of women in the democratic process.
We can do this with your help to ensure our membership reflects:
Women from across the State in rural, remote, regional areas and cities.
Women from diverse backgrounds, cultures, faiths, and lived experiences.
Women with a broad range of talents, professions, and career experience.
New members are welcome to join us including current and former Council members and Mayors; intending candidates for local government elections; Councils and Council staff; other people and organisations committed to our Aims/purposes. Details including Membership Benefits are on ourMembership page. Try our convenient online registration and payment at: - our Individual Membership page
Acknowledgement of Country: ALGWA SA acknowledges andpays respect to Elders past and present. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land and acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Aboriginal Peoples living today.